
“Sex without Love is as hollow and ridiculous as Love without Sex.”
— Hunter S. Thompson

Sex without intimacy is to go to war with our own body and abandon ourselves and our partner…even in a loving, committed relationship.

The ability to fully be ourselves in our romantic relationships is critical to genuine intimacy. When we’re uncomfortable sharing our feelings, asking for our needs to be met, and saying “no" to what we don’t like, we show up for sex wearing a mask and abandon parts of ourself as if they are unimportant. This is can look like doing things that don’t feel good, having sex to please our partner, ignoring our body’s signals to stop due to pain or disinterest or fear that expressing our true desires will result in shame, rejection, or judgment. Even the most committed and loving marriages often lack this kind of transparency when it comes to sex, a topic most people, regardless of age, cultural background, and religion avoid.

In spite of a hyper sexualized culture that uses sex to sell everything from cosmetics to cars, most of us feel shame or embarrassment when it comes to our sexuality. Avoiding conversations and situations that may provoke such negative emotions or remind of things we’d rather forget is the default strategy often employed at the expense of our own body and spirit. We go along with routine for the sake of expedience or giving to our partner, not bad things in of themselves. But ignoring and avoiding doesn’t change our body’s longing to be acknowledged and, over time, chronic self-abandonment can cause health issues, emotional imbalance, and erode the sacred bond a couple shares.

Private Workshops (3 hours) including personalized plans & follow-up: $750

My wife and I had the privilege of spending several hours with Danielle during our anniversary weekend. Her ability to discover new ways for my wife and I to connect physically was superb. She demonstrated massage and relaxation techniques as well as ways to increase sensitivity and acceptance. We thoroughly enjoyed our time and Danielle's approach to building connection and expression to deepen our relationship. Thank you, Danielle!

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