Sensual Wellness for Women

Fore women, embodying our Divine Feminine essence is essential for health and wellbeing. Living from our heart and listening to the signals & messages our body reliably conveys allows us to care for ourselves effectively and effortlessly. When we remain open to and honor the tender, vulnerable parts of ourselves, we intuitively make choices aligned with our values and instinctively know how to identify and express our needs and boundaries, while navigating loving and harmonious relationships with others.

In a world previously defined by masculine, action-oriented energy and patriarchal order, most women are accustomed to living in our headspace—thinking, doing, problem-solving—rather than from our hearts. Mainstream cultural messaging about success and achievement teaches that power comes from “doing” and “having,” rather than “being” and that we must achieve in the material world rather than act from our Divine Feminine nature. Most women have been conditioned out of living in sync with our hearts, dissuaded from trusting our intuition, and feeling confident in our ability to attract and receive. We’re encouraged to compete with men and abandon our own needs on behalf of serving others.

Learning to connect to our bodies and developing fluency in the language of the Divine Feminine is essential to balancing physical, emotional, and spiritual health and creating satisfying and nourishing sexual experiences. Studies show that many women, experience burn-out, hormone imbalance, loss of sex drive, and stress-related illness as they reach mid-life as a result of pushing past our limits and sacrificing our needs.

Early childhood trauma, abusive relationships, addiction, and shaming religious beliefs can likewise shape our sexuality, body image, and self-worth, causing us to shut down and numb out. Experiences of betrayal and anything that triggers shame and fear live in the body long after we’ve moved past the acute injury.

The body holds onto these energetic and emotional wounds, and, tragically, we continue to reenact the very dynamics that hurt us if we remain disassociated from our bodies and disconnected from our hearts.

Disempowering beliefs about sex teach us to place our fulfillment in the hands of our partners, and that sexual satisfaction is found in relationships, not inside us. Such an approach merely keeps us stuck in cycles of self-abandonment and martyrdom.

Even with the right partner, we may struggle to show up authentically and ask for what we want, as intimate relationships reveal our hidden wounds and the places we’ve numbed or dissociated to stay safe.

As a provider of intimate services, I know first-hand the healing and restorative effects of safe and respectful touch and the transformational power of unadulterated expressions of desire that require no emotional obligation or expectations of reciprocity. 

I’ve both experienced and witnessed the blissful reunion with our sacred sensual self that happens when we are allowed to simply be who we are with a safe and loving guide.

Imagine what it would feel like to have an erotic experience focused exclusively on your own pleasure…that invited you to learn to receive pleasure & ask for what you want.

Are you ready to explore your sacred sensuality?

Yoni Massage & Sensual Self-Care Coaching

These sessions are designed to meet your needs for physical touch, both therapeutic and erotic, while allowing time and space for exploring fears, blockages to intimacy, and traumatic experiences that present obstacles to your ability to embody your authentic feminine power. Combining my knowledge of tantra, energy healing, and Gibson Integrated Attachment theory, we will create an experience that allows you to open and connect with your Divine Feminine and embody your erotic power.

Work with me or my trusted colleague, Steve, a master practitioner of sensual massage for women. Steve brings years of experience, dedicated education to understanding and honoring the sensual needs of women, and expertise in helping women feel safe and open to receiving pleasure, including those who’ve never experienced orgasm.

Sessions with Steve are available once a month in my Oceanside studio and are offered as an adjunct to private coaching with Danielle.

Couples sessions with Steve and Danielle are available in the Los Angeles and San Diego.

Yoni massage: $220/60 min | $350 90 min

Additional coaching with Danielle: $150/70 min. Packages available.

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