How to Protect Your Privacy While Being Screened by An Escort

The notion that sex workers provide strictly anonymous, back-alley encounters has been outdated since the advent of the high-tech industry. Almost all sex workers who advertise online, whether through directory sites or personal websites, screen their clients carefully to ensure they are not law enforcement nor individuals with a dangerous reputation. High-end companions are quite selective about those with whom we share our time, though specific criteria for screening varies according to each provider’s comfort zone and business model. While the internet exponentially broadened the purview of otherwise off-the-grid psychos, technology has also made the sex industry much safer for sex workers and patrons alike, who can both establish credibility through a reputable online presence while maintaining privacy.

However, clients who are unwilling to verify their identity with personal data or an online profile through a reputable advertising platform (P411 or Private Delights) are generally limited to seeing street workers and other professionals who do not screen and who may, therefore, present a risk to clients’ safety as well.

A sex worker who isn’t concerned about her own safety is not concerned with yours.

Sharing personal information with a stranger, especially one who operates an underground business, is understandably a leap of faith. Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of sex workers, especially well-paid, reputable companions, have no interest in scamming, blackmailing, or stalking their clients. Just like professionals in any other industry, most sex workers are focused on doing our jobs well and making money, not destroying the lives of the people who pay us.

Considering most Americans have their credit and debit cards stolen at least once and that data-hacking and scams are rampant, the likelihood of being ripped off by a reputable sex workers is minimal compared to the risks most people take while performing online transactions.

However, if you are indiscriminate and impulsive and fail to thoroughly vet a provider before sharing your personal information, you may end up regretting it.

Fortunately, the soft skills and common sense you use to find trustworthy professionals in any other field are the same ones you use to vet a sex worker, and she you. Don’t let hidden assumptions, stereotypes, and ignorance about the sex industry lead you to lower your expectations for professionalism and safety.

People who have never seen (or known) a sex worker before may believe (whether consciously or unconsciously) that all sex workers are uneducated and desperate, and thus set the bar for professionalism exceedingly low.

Aside from perpetuating demeaning and distorted myths about prostitutes, believing stereotypes such as these is like wearing a virtual blindfold that will block you from seeing suspicious behavior and may lead you into potentially dangerous situations. Instead, keep an open mind, and maintain appropriately high standards for communication, listen to your gut instincts, and use discernment, just as you would in any other industry.

Before sending your personal information, follow the additional steps below to ensure you are working with a professional whom you can trust and that you are protecting your privacy and safety during the screening process.

Determine the Provider is Reputable

Googling the provider’s number will bring up listings across all platforms and let you know immediately if she is legitimate. Considering most providers use multiple sites to post ads and that phishing sites notoriously steal said ads, a provider without an online presence outside a single platform is rare. Providers who do not have a substantive online presence should be approached with caution, as dummy ads can signal law enforcement or scams. An established provider usually has a verifiable history of advertising, and preferably her own website and social media accounts.

Check to see that services, contact information, and prices are consistent in all ads. Look for overly photoshopped pictures or stock photos, prices too good to be true, and copy that is vague or glib to a degree you don’t get a clear sense of the provider’s personality and what exactly she does. These are all red flags. Though poor writing skills are not indicative of criminal intent, don’t overlook language that suggests a provider is not putting her safety and self-respect first.

Pay Attention to Communication

Generally, reputable providers use text and email for communication, while some answer phone calls or strictly communicate through third-party apps, though this is rare. Only contact professionals who use reliable methods of communication that demonstrate they are running a stable business.

Whether communicating via text, email, or phone, notice how you feel during the interaction. If something feels off or doesn’t sound logical or safe, move on. If in doubt, ask questions before sending any personal information and never agree to anything that will compromise your safety until you are completely comfortable.

Communicate Discretely

If you are concerned about getting caught at home or have a high-profile job and don’t want to use your personal or professional modes of communicating with professionals, burner phones, third-party apps, and an encrypted email address can offer additional privacy. The following options will add a layer of protection, but should not take the place of common sense.

  • WhatsApp and Signal are widely-used Apps for encrypted texting, phone calls, and video chats.

  • Protonmail is commonly used by sex workers, as no third parties, advertisers, or governments have access to personal data. No phone number or email is required to set up an account. They offer encrypted emailing and are based in Switzerland.

  • Prepaid mobile phones or “burners” are great options if you can keep your second phone in a discreet location that won’t be discovered by your significant other.

  • Verifying your identity through advertising platforms Private Delights, P411, or TER requires submitting ID and personal information, as these sites are adamant about transparency. P411 and TER are the longest-standing platforms that verify clients, who, once established, can use their handle and reviews as verification when being screened by new providers. This is also true of Private Delights, which has become extremely popular in the past few years, and also gives clients the option of reviewing and being verified by companions. (Keep in mind, even verified reviews alone may not meet screening criteria for certain providers.)

Before taking any steps to meet with a provider, even one you feel confident with, make sure seeing a sex worker is the right choice for you. Even the most discrete and secure transactions with a professional will make you uneasy if you are not ready or comfortable with your decision.




Sex Work is Necessary Work